Después de cada guerra

Publicado el

Qué triste que nunca pierda actualidad el poema de Wislawa Szymborska sobre el final de cada guerra. Yo lo tengo traducido el polaco al inglés. Seguro que alguien puede traer una buena traducción al español:



After every war

someone has to tidy up.

Things won’t pick

themselves up, after all.


Someone has to shove

the rubble to the roadsides

so the carts loaded with corpses

can get by.


Someone has to trudge

through sludge and ashes,

through the sofa springs,

the shards of glass,

the bloody rags.


Someone has to lug the post

to prop the wall,

someone has to glaze the window,

set the door in its frame.


No sound bites, no photo opportunities,

and it takes years.

All the cameras have gone

to other wars.
